Term Loans
Term Loans are the counter parts of Fixed Deposits in the Bank. Banks lend money in this mode when the repayment is sought to be made in fixed, pre-determined installments. This type of loan is normally given to the borrowers for acquiring long term assets i.e. assets which will benefit the borrower over a long period (exceeding at least one year).
Purchases of plant and machinery, constructing building for factory, setting up new projects. Financing for purchase of automobiles, consumer durables, real estate and creation of infra structure.
MAXX Capital Finance Limited will structure term loans to meet your company’s needs based on it’s historical cash flow from operations, EBITDA, future opportunities and equity position. With respect to short term assets, an accounts receivable line of credit, working capital line of credit or inventory loan can be tailored to meet your company’s specific seasonal needs. We can also employ risk management tools, such as, credit insurance, when appropriate.